Friday, May 28, 2010

Blessing for a Parting

After these many miles walked side by side,
May we bless our parting.
May we see the hope in divergence,
            Knowing that separating means
            there is a space for reuniting.
May we turn down our separate paths,
unafraid and thankful for every moment
we’ve shared.
May we look back fondly on one another and our time
but never too often.
May we accept the blessing of this sadness,
 showering us with grace.
May we embrace the sweetness of our joy,
knowing that hearts a-flutter will not take flight.
As our journeys lengthen and we walk toward our distinct horizons,
may we recognize the signs that show us
we are not alone.
May I recall your laughter in another’s smile.
May you remember my love for you as you love this world and everything in it.
May we always know that here
            we were real; 
            we were alive.
And may we always be real,
no matter where here is,
may we always be alive.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Death's Pace

It will always amaze me how quick and
calm death is.

The way we can worry and
prepare for years.

And, then as quickly as a match goes out,
one deep breath

and they're gone.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Packing up, saying goodbye, and learning to breathe

Today marks the end of my last weekend in Colorado after 19 years. I'm struck by how wonderful and terrifying that fact is. Colorado has been such a perfect place for me to grow up. And after 24 years, I still have so much work to do, which is a fact I find comforting. I just need some new scenery to play out the next chapter.

But, back to Colorado. Summer is in full swing here in the Springs and I have a nice burn to prove it (sorry 'rents...I'll buy some sunblock). Ace and I have been running a fair amount and the weather is heaven on earth, making this departure that much harder. I'm very excited about Boston and the grand move, but there is still so much up in the air about life once we're there and so much left to do here. So many goodbyes, so many "lasts." So many unpacked items.

Ace has never even been anywhere outside Colorado (as far as I know), so this will be an even bigger change for him. There are moments when I can see it register on his face that something is changing and he gets a little nervous. I know the feeling. I've been trying to spend as much time with him as possible so that he's not worried that I'm leaving him. Our trainer was telling us that dogs that have been "re-homed" a few times can be a little panicky when things start to change. Hopefully this move and transition will allow us to build even more trust. Side note: Ace graduated from "middle school" yesterday and was named "Top Dog" for the highest score in his class. I am so proud.

I'm so grateful that this is a bittersweet departure. I would never want to be so ready to leave that it wouldn't sting, nor so unwilling to leave that it hurts too much.

Excited to go, but sad to leave.

-Sierra and Ace

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The last year of the first quarter century of my life has begun...

and everything is looking fine.

I had the most amazing birthday ever, filled with all the people I love here in Colorado Springs (and a few who came in from distant lands ;) ). I think 24 is going to be just fine.

Here is my birthday party in 5 (very accurate) photos:

A calm, family-type photo

good ol' patriotism

hilarity, plain and simple

18 years later...still together.

Thank you to everyone who came to my celebration, whether in person or in spirit. And, thanks to my parents, and everyone else for making me the person I am today.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May You Rest...

The last few days have been a mix of hilarity, celebration, and goodbyes. I was prepared to be sad two years ago when I graduated from Colorado College. I do not think I realized it might somehow be harder this time. I am so happy and excited for the future--unafraid of the challenges and obstacles that will surely set themselves in my path. Yet, I find myself much sadder than I ever thought I would be at this point. So I will share something I wrote yesterday as a goodbye for a friend:

A Blessing for Today
  May I rise today, eager for what may come.
 May I rise today, confident and centered.
May I rise today, willing to follow the path of my destiny.

 May I work today, trusting  myself to be enough.
May I work today, unyielding yet adapting.

 May I breathe today, recognizing the formless-ness between forms.
May I breathe today, grateful for the quiet moments of stillness.

May I laugh today, enjoying the presence of others in my life.
May I cry today, never ignoring the great pains of the world.

May I love today, unafraid of the trials that will surely come.
 May I love today, aware that to love is always to take a risk.

May I eat today, taking time to care for and replenish myself.
 May I eat today, truly savoring every bite.

May I rest today, setting down the worries I have collected for myself and for others.
 May I rest today, humbled in the wake of another sunset, another blessing overlooked.
  May I rest today, and when the time comes, may I rest forever more.

-Sierra (for Sierra and Ace)

Friday, May 7, 2010

How we chose this name...

One day I (Sierra) was sitting at a coffee shop in Durango, Colorado talking to a stranger about his lovely husky (which made me think of Kodak). He told me all about her and her hilarious habits, including howling at her owner until he shared his food. She was thirteen years old and in her old age, she could get away with anything she wanted. I started gushing about my dear son, Ace (as I'm wont to do). I talked about his hilarious tail and how when he first decided he liked me, his tail started flying about in this crazy cyclone of black hair, knocking all the photos off my end table. I laughed and said, "I guess that's the thing about chow tails." And the man looked at me and said, "Sounds like you have a name for your book."

A blog is a good start.

-Sierra (for Sierra and Ace)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Our first post

Welcome to the lovely world of Ace and Sierra. This is our first post. Currently I (Ace) am lying on the floor looking very forlorn, while my mom/friend (Sierra) types for me. I'm a little concerned about the change in furniture (a lot has been disappearing lately) and the sudden use of cardboard to hold things together in weird little packages. But, my mom and I are still going on lots of walks and she keeps using the word "Boston". I've never heard it before, but it sounds nice. She also keeps saying I'm going to have to wear my saddlebags more because we'll be going to a farmers' market a lot. Man, I hate those things.

Anyway, welcome to our blog. This will be a place where no matter where you are in the world (or for that matter, no matter where we are), you can check in on us from time to time, view our photos, read maybe a poem or two, and know what's on our minds. Please don't hesitate to leave a comment and let us know what's on yours.

Sincerely sleepy,

Ace and Sierra