Friday, May 28, 2010

Blessing for a Parting

After these many miles walked side by side,
May we bless our parting.
May we see the hope in divergence,
            Knowing that separating means
            there is a space for reuniting.
May we turn down our separate paths,
unafraid and thankful for every moment
we’ve shared.
May we look back fondly on one another and our time
but never too often.
May we accept the blessing of this sadness,
 showering us with grace.
May we embrace the sweetness of our joy,
knowing that hearts a-flutter will not take flight.
As our journeys lengthen and we walk toward our distinct horizons,
may we recognize the signs that show us
we are not alone.
May I recall your laughter in another’s smile.
May you remember my love for you as you love this world and everything in it.
May we always know that here
            we were real; 
            we were alive.
And may we always be real,
no matter where here is,
may we always be alive.


lauren said...

Lovely. Are you the author?

Unknown said...

why yes, ma'am. I am