Sunday, July 11, 2010

I just can't be thoughtful on such hot days

The heat is really getting to me. It finally cooled down last night, but here's a little something I wrote because I just don't think anyone can be serious when everyone is covered in sweat.

Ode to my A/C

I love you. Simply put.
I have never before truly cherished the blessing of your presence.
On hellish, humid days, you make life bearable.
You transform me from a panting demon to a loving companion.
Recirculated, cool, fresh--I embrace your mystery, giving thanks for your creation.
Your gentle hum pacifies my expiring temper 
and gentle as an afternoon in mountain air, you breathe new life into me.
Oh to stay with you forever, hidden from the torture of the heat, rising off the pavement.
Alas, I cannot.
And, somehow, I am grateful for even these hot days, knowing colder ones wait just around the corner.
As you flick on and off throughout my day, regulating each degree, i remember to be humble and thankful.
Awed by my A/C.

1 comment:

Matty B said...

haha! I love this poem. I think I should print it and tape it to my A/C just for good A/C-karma-love.