Thursday, April 14, 2011

A final month...

In exactly one month from today, I will mark the end of the first quarter century of my life. Unlike other years spent celebrating my birthday through parties and lots of attention, I will spend my 25th birthday in quiet reflection on a 90-mile ride (likely followed by a couple of celebratory pints). Ha!

That said, this year instead of anyone buying gifts or throwing a party (with all the monetary concerns that creates) I ask that everyone consider donating to my participation in the ride. I am 45% of the way to my goal and I would love your support to help me finish raising $3000 that will go to the San Francisco Aids Project.

I know that my second quarter century is going to be filled with amazing accomplishments and adventures. How could it not be when the first year will be filled with the ALC Ride, spending my summer in the UK working for the EEFC, and finishing my Masters degree at Harvard?

Here's to my final month of being twenty four!

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