Lately, though, I've had a distinct feeling that my life is almost too good. My mom, Betty, described a similar suspicion to me. She was standing at Niagara Falls when it hit her. She had honestly never thought she would get to see this natural phenomenon and while standing there with my oldest sister, she thought of when the Psalmist said, "my cup runneth over" (23:5). As soon as she shared this story with me, Goosebumps ran up my legs and tears welled in my eyes. That was it. This was the idea I'd been searching for. You see, even at my most frightened (and I've felt more genuine fear this summer than I have in a long, long time), I couldn't help but feel that everything was okay. And even more, that I was living a charmed existence.
My cup runneth over, simply put. I have a partner who loves me. A dog who is happy and well-behaved. Many of my friends live in my city. I have an amazing apartment. I landed a great job where everyone is excited for me to start on Sept 25. I finished my novel. My parents gave me the car I learned to drive in (and are helping me budget to buy a new-to-me car in a year). What can I complain about? Yeah, things are tight financially. Yeah, Jas and I have some kinks to work out. Yeah, I have to learn how to live my life for myself, but in concert with another human being. Yeah, I think I can do all that.
Thanks for reading. I hope my happiness doesn't come across as bragging. I feel lucky. And, above that, I feel humbled by my own luck. The world can be a harsh and violent place, but today, it's a place I love.
Ace and Jason enjoying a heartfelt reunion after Jason (oh so brazenly) waded out into deep water.
Carbondale, CO
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